You performed a search for: Skills / Experience: Web & IT
There are 3 record(s) that match your criteria.
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The collections volunteer will assist with all or some of these tasks
• creating on a computer finding aids for subjects
• photographing or scanning artifacts
• working on special programmes related to research/geneology/history
• researching artifacts
The collections volunteer will be provided training on the existing resources and how to use databases and on-line resources. We seek a bi-weekly or weekly commitment of a minimum of 2-3 hours Wednesday afternoon/evening.
The board will continuously monitor the organization’s programs and activities to be sure they are aligned with the mission to achieve short-term goals and long-term purpose. They will exercise fiduciary responsibility to obtain and appropriately use resources required to carry out the organization’s mission.
Volunteer Tax Preparers will help people in Grey Bruce to file their taxes.
Grey Bruce Community Volunteer Income Tax Program provides volunteers in locations all across Grey and Bruce County. Volunteers will be need to be matched (and affiliated) with a local CVITP community organization.
Please find the locations for local Grey Bruce CVITP community organizations here:
Volunteers may have different roles as Tax Preparers depending on their level of skill and/or interest. Volunteer tax preparer may volunteer at in-person or virtual clinics; or file individually online. In some cases, individuals can work from their homes with a Coordinator who drops off and pickups paperwork for filing.
For a detailed description of the job description go here:
Or you can speak directly with a local Grey Bruce CVITP community organization to learn more about the work. Each