You performed a search for: Organization: Blue Mountains Bruce Trail Club (The)
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Blue Mountains Bruce Trail Club (The)
Collingwood Area, Blue Mountains section of the Bruce Trail and surrounding area
The Events and Fundraising Director will initiate and manage the Club's events.
Essential Elements:
- Plan, organize and run events inlcuding AGM & Christmas Potlock, End 2 End weekend, trivia nights, Travel adventures, Christmas tree sales, galas, garage sales and online auctions etc
- Liase with the Volunteer Coordinator to build your team and organize volunteer appreciation events
- Liase with the Communications Team to publicize events
- Work with Club Treasurer to report results to the Board
- Connect with the BTC fundraising team and it's peers at sister clubs to exchange ideas/learn best practices
- Review the Volunteer Orientation Handbook including the Volunteer Pledge, sign BTC Confidentiality Agreement
- Take advantage of the Fundraising Toolkit, avaialble on BTC website
It is helpful to have:
- Some experience in event planning and/or fundraising
- People, organizational, computer and communication skills
Blue Mountains Bruce Trail Club (The)
the Blue Mountains
- Assist the president to prepare, ciculate and implement the agenda, manage meetings
- Document and store electronically the minutes of Board meetings in Google Drive
- Arrange locations ad ensure proper booking of facilities for Club meetings and events
- Communicate to BTC meeting minutes, Board member contact information, and respond to requests for information from Board members and membership
- other duties as assigned