Organization / Program Name(s) Description (Brief) Areas Served
988 Suicide Crisis Helpline, Phone Service, Suicide and Mental Health Crisis Helpline Services for Bruce and Grey County Provides access to 9-8-8, the national telephone and text suicide prevention and support. 9-8-8 also provides support to anyone experiencing a mental health crisis. No one who reaches out to 9-8-8 wi ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Adoption Council of Ontario Adoption resource centre * workshops and seminars for prospective adoptive parents, and child welfare and mental health professionals * Youth Network includes youth-led education, advocacy, and peer ... Ontario
Agriculture Wellness Ontario, No physical address, In the Know Provides a four-hour mental health literacy workshop created specifically to educate the agricultural community. Ontario
Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario Provincial regulatory body * regulates the sale, service and consumption of beverage alcohol * regulates and licenses casino gaming, charitable gaming, lotteries and horse racing * addresses complain ... Ontario
Alz Well That Enz Well, Inc., Alz Well That Enz Well Offers specialized, trauma-informed tutoring services through Building Foundations Tutoring. Haliburton County ; Kawartha Lakes ; Northumberland County ; Peterborough (County of) ; Durham (Town of)
Arthritis Society Canada, Owen Sound - Grey and Bruce Region, Arthritis Society Canada - Grey and Bruce Region Education, programs and support to people living with arthritis Arthritis Rehabilitation and Education Program: Community-based rehabilitation program. Physiotherapists, occupational therapists and so ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Asperger's Society of Ontario Provides support as well as educational information for people with Asperger's Syndrome and their families * goals include enhancing public and professional awareness around Asperger's Syndrome, inclu ... Ontario
Badge of Life Canada Empowers First Responders and Canadian Public Safety Personnel and their families who are dealing with operational stress injuries, including post-traumatic stress and suicidal ideation, to achieve he ... Canada
Bayside IGA Pharmacy Pharmacy offering: * basic homes health care supplies * home safety equipment, such as grab/bath bars, raised seats * mobility aids for sale or rent such as canes, walkers, wheelchairs, scooters. Assi ... South Bruce Peninsula
Bergen No Frills Drugstore Pharmacy, Owen Sound Pharmacy offering: * basic home health care supplies * flu shot (no appointment required) * administers travel vaccinations * compliance packaging and blister packaging * general compounding * diabeti ... Owen Sound
BRIA Mental Healthcare, Online Provides a virtual mental health clinic for women who are trying to conceive or are pregnant, postpartum or perimenopausal. Services offered: * individual therapy * couples therapy * supportive partne ... Ontario
Brightshores Health System, Dual Diagnosis Program, Owen Sound Hospital Provides assessment, consultation, treatment and support to patients and families living with a dual diagnosis (people who have a diagnosed developmental disability and are also experiencing a mental ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Brightshores Health System, Dundalk, Rapid Access Addiction Medicine Clinic Provides low barrier access for clients seeking treatment for any substance use disorder. Staffing Team includes addiction physicians, nurse practitioner, addiction counsellors and a concurrent disord ... Dundalk
Brightshores Health System, Durham Medical Centre, Rapid Access Addiction Medicine Clinic Provides low barrier access for clients seeking treatment for any substance use disorder. Staffing Team includes addiction physicians, nurse practitioner, addiction counsellors and a concurrent disord ... Durham (Town Of)
Brightshores Health System, Grey and Bruce Counties Behavioural Supports Ontario Mobile Team, Owen Sound Hospital Interdisciplinary team provides services and supports for older adults, their families and caregivers who are coping with or at risk for developing responsive behaviours associated with dementia, ment ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Brightshores Health System, Hanover and District Hospital, Rapid Access Addiction Medicine Clinic Provides low barrier access for clients seeking treatment for any substance use disorder. Staffing Team includes addiction physicians, nurse practitioner, addiction counsellors and a concurrent disord ... Hanover ; Walkerton
Brightshores Health System, Kincardine, Rapid Access Addiction Medicine Clinic Provides low barrier access for clients seeking treatment for any substance use disorder. Staffing Team includes addiction physicians, nurse practitioner, addiction counsellors and a concurrent disord ... Kincardine
Brightshores Health System, Lion's Head Hospital, Rapid Access Addiction Medicine Clinic Provides low barrier access for clients seeking treatment for any substance use disorder. Staffing Team includes addiction physicians, nurse practitioner, addiction counsellors and a concurrent disord ... Northern Bruce Peninsula
Brightshores Health System, Mental Health Services Department - Assertive Community Treatment Team, Owen Sound Hospital A team of mental health professionals who provide treatment, rehabilitation and support for people living in the community who have complex needs related to severe and persistent mental illness and wh ... Owen Sound
Brightshores Health System, Mental Health Services Department - Case Management, Owen Sound Hospital Provides community support and advocacy to individuals who experience significant mental health concerns, using an individual case management approach following recovery principles. Services are provi ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Brightshores Health System, Mental Health Services Department - Prevention and Early Intervention Program for Psychosis, Owen Sound Hospital Community-focused mental health program provides prompt assessment and comprehensive, phase-specific medical and psychosocial treatment for individuals experiencing their first episode of psychosis. T ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Brightshores Health System, Mental Health Services Department, Owen Sound Hospital Hospital and community-based mental health services for people with a serious mental illness. Programs include: * Case Management Program - see separate listing for details * Assertive Community Treat ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Brightshores Health System, Owen Sound - 6th St 'A' E, Rapid Access Addiction Medicine Clinic Provides low barrier access for clients seeking treatment for any substance use disorder. Staffing Team includes addiction physicians, nurse practitioner, addiction counsellors and a concurrent disord ... Bruce County ; Grey County ; Clinic is also available to anyone outside of these areas but must be able to attend the clinic on site at minimum for initial assessments and treatment planning.
Brightshores Health System, Owen Sound - 6th St 'A' E, Wellness and Recovery Centre - Mental Health and Addictions A 45-bed facility that provides a safe environment for individuals in need of support and management of their substance use and mental health concerns. The treatment philosophy focuses on providing h ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Brightshores Health System, Owen Sound - 6th St 'A' E, Withdrawal Management Services Provides assistance with voluntary withdrawal from alcohol and/or other drugs to clients who are under the influence of these substances and/or in withdrawal or otherwise in crisis directly related t ... Ontario
Brightshores Health System, Owen Sound - 9th Ave, Community Addiction Treatment Services Outpatient day program offers assessment, referral, treatment and follow-up services to people with addiction related problems in a group setting. Program runs on weekdays for three weeks. Provides in ... Ontario
Brightshores Health System, Port Elgin, Rapid Access Addiction Medicine Clinic Provides low barrier access for clients seeking treatment for any substance use disorder. Staffing Team includes addiction physicians, nurse practitioner, addiction counsellors and a concurrent disord ... Saugeen Shores
Brightshores Health System, Sexual Assault and Partner Abuse Care Centre, Owen Sound Hospital Provides emotional support, medical care and counselling for victims of recent sexual assault, adult survivors of sexual abuse and survivors of partner abuse. Service provides medical treatment, couns ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Brightshores Health System, Various Locations, Mental Health Services Department - Walk-in support Provides mental health support as well as resources and referrals to community agencies to anyone in Grey and Bruce counties seeking support and connection to community services. Offered at the follow ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Brightshores Health System, Wiarton Hospital, Rapid Access Addiction Medicine Clinic Provides low barrier access for clients seeking treatment for any substance use disorder. Staffing Team includes addiction physicians, nurse practitioner, addiction counsellors and a concurrent disord ... Wiarton
Brockton and Area Family Health Team, Chesley Primary health care team that brings together different health care providers to coordinate patient care. Care providers include: * Family Physicians * Registered Nurses * Nurse Practitioners * Chiro ... Arran-Elderslie
Brockton and Area Family Health Team, Durham Primary health care team that brings together different health care providers to coordinate patient care. Care providers include: * Family Physicians * Registered Nurses * Nurse Practitioners * Physi ... West Grey
Brockton and Area Family Health Team, Mildmay Primary health care team that brings together different health care providers to coordinate patient care. Care providers include: * Family Physicians * Registered Nurses * Nurse Practitioners * Chiro ... South Bruce
Brockton and Area Family Health Team, Paisley In office appointments, telephone and virtual visits available. Primary health care team that brings together different health care providers to coordinate patient care. Care providers include: * Fam ... Arran-Elderslie
Brockton and Area Family Health Team, Walkerton Primary health care team that brings together different health care providers to coordinate patient care. Care providers include: * Family Physicians * Registered Nurses * Nurse Practitioners * Regis ... Chesley ; Mildmay ; Paisley ; Walkerton ; Durham (Town Of)
Brown's Guardian Pharmacy Pharmacy offering: * basic home health care supplies * home safety equipment, such as grab/bath bars, raised seats * mobility aids for sale or rent (canes, walkers, wheelchairs, scooters). Registered ... Brockton
Bruce Peninsula Hospice A hospice volunteer visiting organization accredited by Hospice Palliative Care Ontario. Trained volunteers are available to assist families in the non medical care of a person living with a progressi ... Georgian Bluffs ; Northern Bruce Peninsula ; South Bruce Peninsula
Bullying Canada Created by youth, 100% volunteer based, dedicated to providing resources and support for all Canadians affected by bullying. Provides a 24/7 toll free telephone support service. Offers information, he ... Canada
Canada. Indigenous Services Canada, Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement - Health Supports Call Centres Indian residential schools resolution health support program * offers professional counseling and emotional support * cultural support provided by Elders * assistance with the cost of transportation I ... Canada
Canada. Veterans Affairs Canada - Toronto, Mississauga Service Centre Benefits Navigator online questionnaire to help determine eligibility for services and benefits Financial assistance * income support * death benefit * disability benefits * health care benefits * ca ... Bruce County ; Grey County ; Oakville ; Peel Region ; Simcoe County
Canadian Centre to End Human Trafficking, Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline Confidential, victim-centered phone line and online chat connecting victims and survivors with social services, local emergency services including law enforcement, and transition and long-term support ... Canada ; Ontario
Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Hanover - 425 10th St, Choices Drug and Alcohol Counselling for Youth Offers counselling support for youth who are concerned about their own or someone else's substance use. Counsellors work directly with youth and their families at various high schools and office setti ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Hanover - 425 10th St, Concurrent Disorders Provides community support to adults who have co-occurring diagnoses of serious mental illness (schizophrenia or other psychotic disorder, bipolar disorder, or major depression with psychotic features ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Hanover - 425 10th St, Mental Health Counselling Provides brief individual and group counselling to individuals who are living with mental health issues or situational crises. Therapeutic models utilized might include Dialectical Behaviour Therapy ( ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Hanover - 425 10th St, Mobile Mental Health and Addiction Response Team Provides mobile crisis support throughout Grey and Bruce counties. The team responds to calls from first responders (Police, EMS or Emergency Rooms) and provides on-site crisis intervention and assess ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Hanover - 425 10th St, My Dad's Group A weekly positive parenting program for men with kids in their lives. Over the 10-13 sessions, the group explores the importance of Dads, the ages and stages of childhood development, co-parenting, em ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Hanover - 425 10th St, New Directions for Alcohol and Drug Problems Supports adults who are concerned about their own or someone else's substance use or gambling. The goals of the program are to: * Support individuals with their substance use concerns while working to ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Hanover - 425 10th St, New Directions Problem Gambling Community Treatment Supports adults concerned with their own or someone else's gambling. Assistance with self exclusion is available. This program also provides information and educational presentations on gambling for g ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Kincardine - 865 Queen St, Case Management This person-centered program works with people to determine what is personally important for them to achieve. Team members help individuals to identify meaningful goals and effective ways for each per ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Kincardine - 865 Queen St, Mental Health Counselling Provides brief individual and group counselling to individuals who are living with mental health issues or situational crises. Therapeutic models utilized might include Dialectical Behaviour Therapy ( ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Kincardine - 865 Queen St, Mental Health Walk-In Support Provides walk-in service for referrals, resources, harm reduction and Naloxone and/or mental health support. No appointment is necessary. Kincardine
Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Markdale - 55 Victoria St, Case Management This person-centered program works with people to determine what is personally important for them to achieve. Team members help individuals to identify meaningful goals and effective ways for each per ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Markdale - 55 Victoria St, Mental Health Counselling Provides brief individual and group counselling to individuals who are living with mental health issues or situational crises. Therapeutic models utilized might include Dialectical Behaviour Therapy ( ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Owen Sound - 1024 2nd Ave E, Applied Suicide Intervention Skills A two-day, 14-hour workshop featuring powerful audiovisuals, discussions, and simulations. Participants learn how to prevent suicide by recognizing signs, providing skilled intervention, and developi ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Owen Sound - 1024 2nd Ave E, Family Support Initiative Fosters networking and peer support among family members or loved ones of those living with a serious mental illness. Family support workers have lived experience supporting a family member or loved o ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Owen Sound - 1024 2nd Ave E, Grey Bruce Friends and Neighbours (FAN) Club A children's mental health awareness program using child-sized hand and rod puppets to discuss social issues affecting them. Using hand and rod puppets, skits are presented to children on issues such ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Owen Sound - 1024 2nd Ave E, Let's Talk A multi-visit program designed to help intermediate age youth develop and maintain good mental health, while decreasing stigma surrounding mental illness and its treatment. Minimum presentation of two ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Owen Sound - 1024 2nd Ave E, Mental Health and Addiction Peer Support (MAPS) Probation and Parole Offers peer support services to those on Probation or Parole. MAPS workers have lived experience with mental illness and or addictions and intentionally share parts of their lived experience and recov ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Owen Sound - 1024 2nd Ave E, Mental Health First Aid Training Provides training on how to recognize and help someone developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis until appropriate professional treatment is received or until the cris ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Owen Sound - 1024 2nd Ave E, My Dad's Group A weekly positive parenting program for men with kids in their lives. Over the 10-13 sessions, the group explores the importance of Dads, the ages and stages of childhood development, co-parenting, em ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Owen Sound - 1024 2nd Ave E, Peer Support and Information Provides resources and education to improve mental health and addiction knowledge for the people of Grey and Bruce Counties. Services include: Publications: * publishes "Where to Find Help in Grey and ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Owen Sound - 1024 2nd Ave E, Recovery College Provides an innovative learning space where anyone can access free courses, webinars, workshops, and events to learn, gain new skills, connect with others in their community and explore new roles for ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Owen Sound - 1024 2nd Ave E, Support Services for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Offers support services and short-term counselling to help survivors deal with the impact of abuse and to develop improved coping strategies. Therapy is available in Owen Sound by phone or video call ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Owen Sound - 1024 2nd Ave E, Talk Today A comprehensive mental health program aimed at promoting and spreading awareness of mental health for young athletes. The program includes evidence-based mental health and suicide awareness workshops ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Owen Sound - 1101 2nd Ave E, Suite 205 Offers many programs and services to assist those who live with or are impacted by mental health and/or addiction(s). Please see separate listings for program and location details. For more informatio ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Owen Sound - 1101 2nd Ave E, Suite 206, Mobile Mental Health and Addiction Response Team Provides mobile crisis support throughout Grey and Bruce counties. The team responds to calls from first responders (Police, EMS or Emergency Rooms) and provides on-site crisis intervention and assess ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Owen Sound - 1101 2nd Ave E, Suite 207, Choices Drug and Alcohol Counselling for Youth Offers counselling support for youth who are concerned about their own or someone else's substance use. Counsellors work directly with youth and their families at various high schools and office setti ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Owen Sound - 1101 2nd Ave E, Suite 207, Concurrent Disorders Provides community support to adults who have co-occurring diagnoses of serious mental illness (schizophrenia or other psychotic disorder, bipolar disorder, or major depression with psychotic features ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Owen Sound - 1101 2nd Ave E, Suite 207, New Directions for Alcohol and Drug Problems Supports adults who are concerned about their own or someone else's substance use or gambling. The goals of the program are to: * Support individuals with their substance use concerns while working to ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Owen Sound - 1101 2nd Ave E, Suite 207, New Directions Problem Gambling Community Treatment Supports adults concerned with their own or someone else's gambling. Assistance with self exclusion is available. This program also provides information and educational presentations on gambling for g ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Owen Sound - 1105 1st Ave E, Case Management This person-centered program works with people to determine what is personally important for them to achieve. Team members help individuals to identify meaningful goals and effective ways for each per ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Owen Sound - 1105 1st Ave E, Housing and Support Services - Apartment Program Apartment Program: The Apartment program is affordable transitional housing up to 4 years that provides opportunities for individuals with a longstanding serious mental illness and/or substance use i ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Owen Sound - 1105 1st Ave E, Housing and Support Services - Residential Services Residential Support Program - This program provides supported congregate living for individuals living with a serious mental illness in two homes located in Owen Sound and Wiarton, Ontario. Life skil ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Owen Sound - 509 9th Ave E, G&B House 15-bed residential supportive treatment and housing service for men with severe and often long-term addiction issues that have not been met by non-abstinent community treatment approaches. Provides a ... Dufferin County ; Hamilton (City of) ; Niagara Region ; Northumberland County ; Peterborough (County of) ; Simcoe County ; Wellington County
Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Southampton - High St, Case Management This person-centered program works with people to determine what is personally important for them to achieve. Team members help individuals to identify meaningful goals and effective ways for each per ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Southampton - High St, Mental Health Counselling Provides brief individual and group counselling to individuals who are living with mental health issues or situational crises. Therapeutic models utilized might include Dialectical Behaviour Therapy ( ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Various locations, Social Recreation and Rehabilitation/Group Services Offers drop-in and scheduled programing at five different sites across Grey and Bruce counties. Each location offers a range of different recreational programing opportunities that are scheduled in c ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Candlelighters Simcoe - Parents of Children with Cancer, Barrie - Mailing Address Support organization for parents whose child or teen has been diagnosed with cancer * provide parents with knowledge of library and other community resources, a quarterly newsletter, social events for ... Bruce County ; Grey County ; Muskoka District ; Simcoe County
Children's Mental Health Ontario Find a Centre: online directory of accredited children's mental health centres Links Directory * online listing of website resources * information on children's mental health for children and youth, ... Ontario
Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation, Neyaashiinigmiing - 247 Prairie Rd, Harm Reduction and Outreach Offers harm reduction supplies, education, referrals, case management and outreach. Chippewas of Nawash First Nation
Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation, Neyaashiinigmiing - 247 Prairie Rd, Youth Mental Health Program Assists children from ages 7-18 and their families through referrals, support and programs. Helps children to develop skills, provide opportunities and obtain optimal physical, social, emotional and s ... Chippewas of Nawash First Nation
Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation, Neyaashiinigmiing - 6 Harbour Rd, Language Nest Program Community based program that encourages good health and a positive attitude through learning related activities. Increases awareness, knowledge and skill while promoting the quality of and access to c ... Chippewas of Nawash First Nation ; South Bruce Peninsula
Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation, Wellness Centre, Neyaashiinigmiing - 34 Community Centre Rd (Temporary) Offers programs that help to build and maintain a healthy community focusing on a holistic healing approach to provide physical and spiritual wellness within the Nawash community including: * Women's ... Chippewas of Nawash First Nation
Closing the Gap Healthcare, Owen Sound Provides home care rehabilitation services in communities throughout Bruce and Grey counties. Services are available by referral from the local Ontario Health atHome branch , as well as on a private ... Bruce County ; Grey County
College of Psychologists of Ontario (The) Regulates psychologists and psychological associates * investigates consumer complaints * educational materials and information for the public and professionals * directory of members available on the ... Ontario
College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario Establishes professional practice standards, regulations, statutory programs, and disciplinary processes to govern psychotherapists in Ontario * maintains a public register of members Ontario
Collingwood General and Marine Hospital, Outpatient Mental Health Services Outpatient Mental Health provides mental health care for individuals experiencing moderate to severe mental illness. Provides out patient psychiatric consultation with diagnosis of acute mood or thoug ... Blue Mountains ; Clearview (Simcoe County) ; Collingwood ; Wasaga Beach
Dundalk Village Pharmacy Pharmacy offers: * basic home health care supplies * limited home safety equipment (including grab/bath bars, raised seats) * mobility aids (canes and walkers, wheelchairs, scooters) for sale - some i ... Grey Highlands ; Melancthon ; Southgate
Dying With Dignity Canada Advocates for assisted dying rules that respect the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, improving quality of dying, and protecting end-of-life rights * personal support to adults suffering from ... Canada
EHN Canada, Gateway Recovery Residential alcohol and drug treatment centre for military personnel, veterans, first responders, and health care providers. * Treatment for all forms of alcohol and chemical dependency, including con ... Ontario
Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario Registered Charitable, non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness about the abuse and neglect of older adults, under the Ontario Strategy to Combat Elder Abuse Free and confidential suppor ... Ontario
Fem'aide : Francophone helpline for women affected by violence Francophone helpline for women * crisis intervention * support and referral to community agencies * confidential calls Ontario
Flesherton Pharmacy Pharmacy offering: * limited basic home health care supplies * sports braces, splints and supports * advanced wound care can be ordered * flu shot, by appointment * blister packaging * diabetic suppli ... Dundalk ; Flesherton ; Grey Highlands
Free Counselling Society Canada Provides 12 sessions or more free-of-charge (video call or phone call) individual, couple and family counselling with minimal waitlist.  
Georgian Riding Association for Challenged Equestrians Provides therapeutic horseback riding lessons for challenged children and adults in Grey and Bruce Counties Certified instructors and physiotherapists tailor individual programs to meet the rider's sp ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Gilda's Club Simcoe Muskoka FREE emotional and social support to anyone whose life has been impacted by cancer, services include: * professionally facilitated Support Groups * short-term counselling (including grief counselling) ... Bruce County ; Dufferin County ; Grey County ; Muskoka District ; Parry Sound ; Simcoe County ; York County
Good2Talk, Telephone and Virtual Service Telephone Counselling, call 1-866-925-5454 Mental health and addiction information, professional counselling, and referral on a wide range of services on and off campus Crisis Text Line, text GOOD2TA ... Ontario
Gordon's Pharmasave Pharmacy offering: * basic home health care supplies * home safety equipment, such as grab/bath bars, raised seats * mobility aids for sale or rent such as canes, walkers, wheelchairs. Registered ADP ... Huron-Kinloss - Point Clark ; Kincardine
Greenestone Centre for Recovery Inpatient residential addictions facility. Utilizes a wide variety of programs, techniques and treatment approaches. Medication assistance. Individual, family and couples education and support. Muskoka District ; Ontario
Grey Bruce Public Health Works to promote and protect the health of all Grey-Bruce residents at all stages of life. Works to improve public understanding, promote healthy living, prevent disease and support healthy environme ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Grey Bruce Public Health, Needle Syringe Exchange and Naloxone Program Grey Bruce Public Health's Harm Reduction and Substance Overdose/Poisoning Prevention Program provides free and confidential services, equipment, and supplies to people who use drugs. Aims to prevent ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Grey Bruce Public Health, No physical location, Report A Drug Overdose If someone you know is experiencing a medical emergency, call 9-1-1 and get medical help now. With toxic and fatal drugs circulating in the unregulated drug supply, anyone can call 2-1-1 and anonymou ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Guardian - Sauble Pharmacy Pharmacy offering: * basic home health care supplies * home safety equipment, such as grab/bath bars, raised seats * mobility aids for sale such as canes, walkers * sports braces, splints and supports ... South Bruce Peninsula
Hanover Pharmasave Pharmacy offers: * basic home health care supplies * home safety equipment, such as grab/bath bars, raised seats * mobility aids for sale or rent such as canes, walkers, crutches, manual wheelchairs a ... Bruce County ; West Grey
Hartford Mediation and Parenting Coordination Offers confidential mediation services as a low cost, less time-consuming alternative to the need for lawyers and court appearances. Offers the following services: * Family Law Mediation/Arbitration - ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Home Horizon, Collingwood, Barbara Weider House Transitional housing for youth * Peer Support * Life skills development * Access to counselling support * Assistance with legal matters * Assistance with education and employment * Referral to other c ... Blue Mountains ; Simcoe County
Hope Haven Therapeutic Riding Centre 142-acre adaptive riding centre. Instructors use adaptive teaching techniques and equipment to help individuals with challenges learn the skills of equestrian and horsemanship. Also offers therapy-bas ... Bruce County ; Grey County ; Simcoe County
Hope+Me - Mood Disorders Association of Ontario, Mood Disorders Association of Ontario A self help association offering peer support for people dealing with depression, anxiety and/or bipolar disorder (manic depression) and their families and friends. (This organization experiences freq ... Ontario
Hospice Georgian Triangle Services include: * Campbell House: 10 bed palliative care residence with beds allocated to end of life support as well as short stay, supportive palliative respite and pain and symptom management * ... Blue Mountains ; Clearview (Simcoe County) ; Collingwood ; Wasaga Beach
Hospital for Sick Children, Adolescent Medicine Eating Disorders Program * for children and youth 8-18 years * diagnosis and treatment * inpatient, day hospital and outpatient programs * family education Substance Abuse Day Treatment Program and O ... Ontario
Huron Shores Hospice, No physical location, Grief Recovery Group Offers an eight-week educational program that provides a safe environment to look at beliefs about dealing with loss, and provide actions that will lead to complete unresolved emotions that may still ... Huron-Kinloss ; Kincardine ; Saugeen Shores
Keystone Child, Youth and Family Services, Birth to Senior Kindergarten Mental Health Program, Owen Sound - 3rd Ave W Help for children from birth to senior kindergarten and their families who are experiencing serious behavioural and/or emotional difficulties. Services offered in: * Office * Client home * Daycare an ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Keystone Child, Youth and Family Services, Counselling Program, Owen Sound - 3rd Ave W Individual or family counselling services for children, youth and their families addressing all mental health concerns including: * risk assessment for children at high risk * individualized treatmen ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Keystone Child, Youth and Family Services, Owen Sound - 3rd Ave W Children's mental health lead agency for Grey and Bruce Counties. Offers a wide range of mental health support through counselling, prevention and well-being programs, short term live-in treatment pr ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Keystone Child, Youth and Family Services, Unpublished, Live-In Treatment Program An all-gendered, seven bed, short-term live-in program for young people ages 12-17 years. Offers a safe and welcoming, home-like environment for youth who may require additional supports, observation ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Kids Help Phone, Crisis Text Line Support and information in any type of crisis by trained volunteers crisis responders * youth text CONNECT or PARLER to 686868 * available in English and French * does not provide medical advice * te ... Canada ; Ontario
Lakeridge Health Oshawa, Whitby - Pinewood Centre - Cochrane St, Women's Residential Treatment Program, Pinewood Centre, Whitby - Cochrane St Treatment for women with substance issues * residential 21 day program * day treatment options for women within commuting distance of the centre * intensive trauma-informed and women-centred group cou ... Durham Region
Lighthouse Fellowship Baptist Church Offers weekly Sunday Fellowship and Family Worship and Sunday School. Also: * Hosts a weekly Friendship meeting for adults with cognitive disabilities * PD day camps * Weekly prayer meeting * Weekly y ... Kincardine
Loblaw Pharmacy, Hanover Pharmacy offering: * basic home health care supplies * advanced wound care * ostomy supplies * post-mastectomy products * flu shot * administer travel vaccinations * blister packaging * limited custom ... Hanover - and area
Lucknow Pharmasave Pharmacy offering: * basic home health care supplies * home safety equipment, such as grab/bath bars, raised seats * mobility aids for sale or rent such as canes, walkers, wheelchairs, rollators and c ... Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh ; Huron-Kinloss
Markdale IDA Pharmacy Pharmacy offering: * basic home health care supplies * home safety equipment, such as grab/bath bars, raised seats * mobility aids for sale i.e. canes, walkers, wheelchairs and scooters * sports brace ... Grey Highlands
Mary Hansen & Associates: Consulting Service - Rehabilitation , Vocational and Return to Work, No Physical Address Independent/private casefile management/consulting services: * Medical/rehabilitation consulting and assistance for families of; seniors, adults, and youth, where navigating and management are requir ... Bruce County ; Grey County ; Huron County ; Lambton County ; Middlesex County ; Perth County
McKechnie Pharmacy Pharmacy offering: * basic home health care supplies * home safety equipment, such as grab/bath bars, raised seats * mobility aids for sale such as canes, crutches, rotators. Can be ordered if not in ... Kincardine - and surrounding areas
McKenzie's Pharmacy - IDA Pharmacy offering: * basic home health care supplies * Canes for sale * Walkers for rent * sport braces, splints and supports * advanced wound care * ostomy supplies can be ordered * flu shot by appoi ... Wiarton - and area
Meaford IDA Pharmacy Pharmacy offering: * home safety equipment, such as grab/bath bars, raised seats * mobility aids for sale i.e. canes, walkers, wheelchairs and scooters * sports braces, splints and supports * advanced ... Grey County
Métis Nation of Ontario - Great Lakes Metis Council, Healing and Wellness Branch, Owen Sound A traditional and culturally appropriate approach to healing and wellness to promote a healthy environment and ensure equitable access to health care and services including: * peer counselling and cas ... Bruce County ; Grey County ; Wellington County
MS Canada Provides services to people with multiple sclerosis and their families and funds research to find the cause and cure for this disease. Is a national voluntary organization in Canada that supports bot ... Canada
M'Wikwedong Indigenous Friendship Centre Provides a meeting place where individuals or families can interact to strengthen and promote cultural programs and to educate about what is important to Anishnabek people and develop awareness and st ... Bruce County ; Grey County
My Friend's House, Domestic Violence Shelter A women and children's shelter that provides support in many areas including Therapeutic Counselling, Housing, Legal Advocacy, and programming for Children and Youth. Services include: * Therapeutic ... Blue Mountains ; Clearview (Simcoe County) ; Collingwood ; Meaford ; Wasaga Beach
National Eating Disorder Information Centre National resource for information on eating disorders and weight preoccupation * telephone helpline provides information and referrals to treatment and support * resource library and printed materials ... Canada
New Life Church, Collingwood, You in Mind Support Groups Education and support for those with a lived experience with anxiety and/or depression. Collingwood
North York General Hospital, Toronto - Phillips House, Child and Adolescent Eating Disorders Program Services to treat eating disorders for children and youth * outpatient program including assessment, diagnosis and treatment * day program including medical, nutritional and mental health care; academ ... Ontario
Ontario Addiction Treatment Centres, Owen Sound Methadone clinic, maintenance programs and counseling to those who can't stop abusing opiates. Offers: * Methadone treatment * Suboxone treatment * Sublocade treatment * Kadian treatment * Hepatitis ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Ontario Health atHome South West Area, Owen Sound Office, Ontario Health atHome Provides health care services at home, at school, and in the community, as well as access to supported living programs and long-term care. Care Coordinators work with people in the community or leavi ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Ontario. Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, Ontario Autism Program Family Services and Training: families receive information and training within their community; may include workshops, seminars, consultations and information about autism spectrum disorders, and Ont ... Ontario
Ontario. Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services. Support Services for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Program Information and referral to community support services to meet long term needs including crisis and follow-up services Member agency of Support Services Network for Male Survivors in Ontario ... Ontario
Ontario. Ministry of Health, Sexual Health Infoline Ontario Province-wide free anonymous counselling, information and referrals to sexual health clinics and community agencies on HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infections, birth control options, sexual orientat ... Ontario
Ontario. Ministry of Health, Smoking Cessation Program Smoking cessation program available to recipients of Ontario Drug Benefits (ODB) * eligible people can visit pharmacists within their community * pharmacists create a smoking cessation plan with the p ... Ontario
Operational Stress Injury Social Support Services, Central Ontario Region Offers resources of support programs for Armed Forces members, Veterans and their families and friends Peer Support For members of the Canadian Armed Forces and Veterans who have sustained an Operati ... Blue Mountains ; Chatsworth ; Dufferin County ; Durham Region ; Grey Highlands ; Halton Region ; Kawartha Lakes ; Meaford ; Muskoka District ; Owen Sound ; Parry Sound District ; Peel Region ; Simcoe County ; Southgate ; Toronto ; York County
Owen Sound Family Health Team, Mental Health Counselling Services Mental Health Counselling Services of the Owen Sound Family Health Team (OSFHT) offers two mental health programs: * Brief therapeutic services for individuals who are 18 years and older experiencing ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Paisley Pharmacy Pharmacy offering: * basic home health care supplies * home safety equipment, such as grab/bath bars, raised seats * mobility aids (canes, walkers) for sale * sports braces, splints and supports * ad ... Arran-Elderslie ; Brockton ; Saugeen Shores - some areas
Pegasus Riding Association Nurturing Challenged Equestrians (PRANCE) Offers therapeutic horseback riding that promotes the rehabilitation and treatment of individuals with physical, developmental and emotional challenges. Instructors have obtained specialized training ... Bruce County ; Grey County
PharmaChoice, Stewart's Pharmacy Pharmacy providing: * basic home health care supplies * mobility aids including canes,walkers and wheelchairs * sports braces, splints and supports * advanced wound care * ostomy supplies * compressi ... Mildmay - and area
Pharmasave - Sally's Pharmacy, Owen Sound Pharmacy offering: * basic home health care supplies * canes for sale i.e. canes * limited sports braces, splints and supports * ostomy supplies * support stockings * flu shot, by appointment * admini ... Grey County
Pine River Institute Live-in treatment centre and outdoor leadership experience for youth ages 13 to 19 years old struggling with mental health issues, specifically addictive behaviours. Offering: * a holistic treatment a ... Ontario ; Ontario
Pregnancy and Infant Loss (PAIL) Network Programs and services available throughout Ontario Peer-led support programs delivered in a variety of ways * mixed group peer-led support * loss specific online peer-led group support * one-to-one t ... Durham Region ; Ontario ; Toronto ; York County
Prisoners HIV / AIDS Support Action Network, Toronto, Prisoners HIV/AIDS Support Action Network Community-based prisoner health and harm reduction organization that provides support, education and advocacy to prisoners and ex-prisoners * system advocacy * counselling in person or by telephone (c ... Ontario
Recreational Respite, Mobile Service Provides one-to-one supports, group programs (virtual and in-person), capacity building workshops and community partnerships for children, youth, adults and older adults with disabilities, mental hea ... Canada
Regional Support Associates, Walkerton, Support Services for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities, Walkerton Provides help and support for adults with intellectual disabilities and their families. Services offered for individuals, their families and agencies supporting them in their community. Staff has cli ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Rexall Drug Store, Southampton A full service pharmacy including: * basic home health care supplies * home safety equipment (ie grab bars, bath bars, raised seats) * mobility aids for sale * ostomy supplies * compression and suppor ... Saugeen Shores
Rexall Drug Store, Owen Sound - 1415 1st Ave Pharmacy offering: * limited basic home health care supplies * home safety equipment, such as grab/bath bars, raised seats * canes for sale * sports braces, splints and supports * limited advanced wou ... Owen Sound
Rexall Pharma Plus, Kincardine Pharmacy offering: * basic home health care supplies * home safety equipment such as grab/bath bars, raised seats * Canes and walkers for sale * sports braces, splints and supports * ostomy supplies c ... Bruce County ; Grey County ; Kincardine
Rexall Pharma Plus, Owen Sound - 1507 9th Ave Pharmacy offering: * basic home health care supplies * home safety equipment (grab bars, bath bars, raised seats * mobility aids (canes, walkers, wheelchairs, scooter for sale * sports braces, splints ... Owen Sound
Rexall Pharma Plus, Port Elgin Pharmacy offering: * home safety equipment (ie grab bars, bath bars, raised seats) * Canes for sale * flu shot available, by appointment * administer travel vaccinations * blister packaging * limited ... Saugeen Shores - and area
Rexall Pharma Plus, Owen Sound - 963 2nd Ave Pharmacy offering: * basic home health care supplies * home safety equipment (grab bars, bath bars, raised seats) * mobilty aids (canes, walkers, wheelchairs, scooters) for sale * advanced wound care ... Owen Sound
Rexall Pharma Plus, Hanover Pharmacy offering: * basic home health care supplies * mobility aids (canes, walkers, wheelchairs) for sale * sports braces, splints and supports * limited advanced wound care supplies * ostomy suppli ... West Grey
Rexall Pharmacy, Meaford Pharmacy offering: * basic homes health care supplies * home safety equipment, such as grab/bath bars, raised seats * mobility aids (canes and walkers,scooters and wheelchairs) for rent * sports brac ... Meaford
Rural Ottawa South Support Services, Telephone Service, A Friendly Voice A friendly warm telephone service dedicated to reducing loneliness and isolation among seniors * trained volunteers can provide compassionate conversation and information about community resources * ... Ontario
Rx Drug Mart, Durham Pharmacy offering: * limited home safety equipment, such as grab/bath bars, raised seats * canes for sale * sports braces, splints and supports * limited wound care supplies * ostomy supplies * compre ... Grey County
Salvation Army (The), Collingwood, Community and Family Services The Salvation Army Collingwood Community Services provides: * offer emotional and spiritual care and support during times of crisis * budget counselling * advocacy * referral services Does not provide ... Blue Mountains ; Clearview (Simcoe County) ; Collingwood ; Wasaga Beach
Salvation Army (The), Hanover - 12th St, Community and Family Services Provides community and family services. Offers: * Counselling and emergency assistance * Food bank (can be visited once a month) for residents that qualify * Emergency relief for fire/disaster victim ... Brockton ; Chesley ; Hanover ; West Grey
Saugeen First Nation, Building Healthy Communities, Saugeen First Nation - 47 Mason Dr Community-based program provides support to enhance the security and well-being of individuals and families. Services include: * stress counselling * mental health awareness and education workshops * ... Bruce County
Saugeen First Nation, Saugeen First Nation - 23 Christine St, Anishinabek Child and Youth Prevention Services Supports the mental health needs of children, youth and their families and caregivers who are members of Saugeen First Nation. Provides support in school, in the community or in the office. Services ... Saugeen First Nation
Saugeen First Nation, Saugeen First Nation - 47 Mason Dr, Mino Bimaadsawin Health Centre Provides family medical care and community-based health programs. Offers culturally appropriate programs and services for Aboriginal people, combining Traditional and Western medicine. Health Centre ... Saugeen First Nation
Saugeen First Nation, Saugeen Native Drug and Alcohol Counselling Centre, Saugeen First Nation - 47 Mason Dr Provides drug and alcohol addiction counselling, education, awareness, self-help groups, talking/healing circles and referrals to treatment and aftercare. Certified in completing GAINS Q3 MI mental he ... Saugeen First Nation
Second Avenue Lodge Assisted living home for individuals with a mental illness, intellectual disability or substance abuse issues. Accepts individuals with some physical limitations. * 51 beds * permanent and short term ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Seven South Street Treatment Centre 12-week abstinent based program for men using the principles of the 12-step program. Services provided: * Daily group therapy sessions in morning and afternoon * Clients are assigned an individual co ... Ontario ; Simcoe County
Shoppers Drug Mart, Port Elgin Pharmacy offers: * basic home health care supplies * home safety equipment, such as grab/bath bars, raised seats * mobility aids for sale such as canes, walkers, wheelchairs and scooter * sports brace ... Saugeen Shores
Shoppers Drug Mart, Hanover Pharmacy offering * basic home health care supplies * home safety equipment, such as grab/bath bars, raised seats * canes and walkers for sale * sports braces, splints and supports * ostomy supplies * ... Hanover - and surrounding areas
Shoppers Drug Mart, Owen Sound - 10th St W Pharmacy offering: * basic home health care supplies * limited home safety equipment (grab bars, bath bars, raised seats) * sports braces, splints and supports * ostomy supplies * compression and supp ... Owen Sound - and surrounding area
Shoppers Drug Mart, Owen Sound - 16th St E Pharmacy offering: * basic home health care supplies * home safety equipment, such as grab/bath bars, raised seats * limited mobility aids for sale i.e. canes, walkers, wheelchairs and scooters * spor ... Owen Sound
Shoppers Drug Mart, Kincardine Pharmacy offering: * basic home health care supplies * limited home safety equipment, such as grab/bath bars, raised seats * canes and crutches for sale * sports braces, splints and supports * ostomy ... Kincardine
Simcoe Peer Support for Mental Health and Addictions, Collingwood Works to better educate the general public on the issues of mental health, to develop local support groups and to advocate on behalf of all consumer/survivors Open in the morning if an individual is h ... Blue Mountains ; Simcoe County
South East Grey Community Health Centre, Dundalk - Main St, Dundalk Medical Clinic Community Health Centre staffed by: * Doctors * Nurse Practitioners * Registered Practical Nurses Offers: * Comprehensive primary care which includes regular check-ups, chronic disease management, imm ... Dundalk
South East Grey Community Health Centre, Markdale Community health centre staffed by: * Doctors * Nurse Practitioners * Registered Nurses * Registered Social Workers * Chiropodist * Registered Dietitian * Physiotherapist * Registered Midwives * Comm ... Chatsworth ; Grey Highlands ; Southgate ; West Grey
Southwest Ontario Aboriginal Health Access Centre, Owen Sound, Southwest Ontario Aboriginal Health Access Centre, Owen Sound Provides: * Primary care services * physician * nurse practitioner * nursing * dietician * FASD coordinator * social worker * aboriginal patient navigation support in hospital * Mental health services ... Bruce County ; Grey County ; First Nation communities in the surrounding area, both on and off reserve and from the community of Owen Sound.
St John Ambulance, Owen Sound Training Centre, MidWestern Ontario Training and service organization provides First Aid and CPR Training. Public and industry training that meets WSIB workplace standards. Branch locations in Hanover and Owen Sound. Courses available: ... Bruce County ; Grey County ; Huron County ; Perth County
St John Ambulance, Hanover Training Centre, MidWestern Ontario Training and service organization provides First Aid and CPR Training. Public and industry training that meets WSIB workplace standards. Branch locations in Hanover and Owen Sound. Courses available: ... Bruce County ; Grey County ; Huron County ; Perth County
Supportive Outreach Service, Grey County Wrap around health and social supports to underserved community members, with a focus on those who are using substances and experiencing homelessness Provides outreach service and supports that includ ... Grey County
The Grey Bruce We C.A.R.E Project Collaboration of community agencies and school boards working together to increase youth mental health awareness and prevent youth suicide. Provides education and information for adults and youth, sup ... Bruce County ; Grey County
The Salvation Army, Goderich/Clinton, Goderich - 303 Suncoast Dr E, Community and Family Services, Goderich Community and Family Services provides the following: Food Bank assistance, vouchers for clothing and household items, advocacy and resource referrals, and emergency cost assistance. Food Bank pick up ... Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh ; Central Huron ; Goderich ; Grand Bend ; Huron-Kinloss ; Kincardine (Town of) ; Seaforth
Thornbury Pharmasave Pharmacy offering: * basic home health care supplies * home safety equipment, i.e. grab/bath bars, raised seats * mobility aids for sale such as canes, walkers * sports braces, splints and supports * ... Blue Mountains
Turbitt Pharmasave Pharmacy offering: * basic home health care supplies * home safety equipment, such as grab/bath bars, raised seats * mobility aids for sale such as canes, walkers, wheelchairs * sports braces, splints ... Grey County
TVCC, Owen Sound, Child and Youth Rehabilitation Services, Owen Sound Regional rehabilitation centre for children and youth with physical, communication or developmental needs, helping them to reach their potential for independence, self-esteem, and participation in so ... Bruce County ; Chatham-Kent ; Elgin County ; Essex County ; Grey County ; Huron County ; Lambton County ; Middlesex County ; Oxford County ; Perth County
Victim Services Bruce Grey, Victim Crisis Assistance Ontario Victim Quick Response Program+ (VQRP+) - program of last resort where no other available private or public resource is available Victim Crisis Assistance Ontario- On-site early intervention and crisi ... Bruce County ; Grey County
VON Canada, Ontario Branch, Grey Bruce Site, Community Care Services Supports for older adults, and adults with disabilities to help them remain independent in their own homes for as long as possible. Comprehensive community, health and in-home services are provided by ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Walmart Pharmacy, Owen Sound Pharmacy offering: * basic home health care supplies * home safety equipment (grab bars, bath bars, raised seats) * canes and walkers for sale * sports braces, splints and supports * flu shot, appoint ... Owen Sound
Walmart Pharmacy, Hanover Pharmacy providing: * basic home health care supplies * home safety equipment, such as grab/bath bars, raised seats * mobility aids for sale such as canes, walkers, wheelchairs, scooters * sports brac ... Hanover
WES For Youth Online, E-Counselling Mental Health Support Services WES for Youth Online provides: * free, safe, inclusive and confidential e-counselling for youth with no session limits * one on one e-counselling by professional counsellors * e-counselling services c ... Ontario
Women's Centre Grey Bruce [The], The Women's Centre Grey Bruce Violence Against Women Services: * Crisis Lines : Crisis telephone lines, and text line are available 24/7 * Emergency Shelter : The 24/7 emergency shelter services are open for women and children fle ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Women's House Serving Bruce and Grey, Mailing Address Offers free support, education and crisis intervention to women experiencing abuse. Services include: In-House Safe Shelter Services * room to accommodate up to 13 women and children * assists women f ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Women's House Serving Bruce and Grey, Sexual Assault Crisis and Support Line 24 hour crisis and support telephone line answered by trained, supportive counsellors. Callers do not have to give their names. Fully confidential. Counsellors can arrange for support and accompanimen ... Bruce County ; Grey County
YMCA of Owen Sound Grey Bruce, Owen Sound - 9th St E, Youth Gambling Awareness Program Offers a free educational, harm reduction program geared towards children and youth ages 8-24 years old to create awareness about various choices they can make surrounding gambling activities. Provide ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Zehrs Drugstore Pharmacy, Owen Sound Pharmacy offers: * Basic home health care supplies * Extensive health care supplies can be special ordered * Canes for sale * Limited sports braces, splints and supports * Limited compression and supp ... Owen Sound