Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Hanover - 425 10th St, Pregnancy and/or Parenting |
Supports women and men who are pregnant and/or parenting children ages six and under, who are impacted by their own or someone else's substance use. Pregnant and/or Parenting services are based in Owe ... |
Bruce County ; Grey County |
Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Owen Sound - 1101 2nd Ave E, Suite 207, Pregnancy and/or Parenting |
Supports women and men who are pregnant and/or parenting children ages six and under, who are impacted by their own or someone else's substance use. Pregnant and/or Parenting services are based in Owe ... |
Bruce County ; Grey County |
Candlelighters Simcoe - Parents of Children with Cancer, Barrie - Mailing Address |
Support organization for parents whose child or teen has been diagnosed with cancer * provide parents with knowledge of library and other community resources, a quarterly newsletter, social events for ... |
Bruce County ; Grey County ; Muskoka District ; Simcoe County |
Cangrands National Kinship Support, Mailing Address |
Promotes, supports and advocates for the needs and rights of children raised in Kin caregiver homes and those denied access. * Help maintain or re-establish family ties, especially those between grand ... |
Canada |
Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation, Neyaashiinigmiing - Lighthouse Rd, E'minoyaajig Binojiingyag |
Provides protection and care for children and families. Nurtures a healthy community environment with the aim that all children remain connected to their heritage and culture. Range of community-base ... |
Chippewas of Nawash First Nation ; and off-reserve members in Bruce and Grey Counties as requested |
Grandparents Requesting Access and Dignity Society |
Provides emotional support to grandparents who have been denied access to their grandchildren or teenagers, or who are raising them * promotes awareness to make the public and professionals aware of t ... |
Canada |
Keystone Child, Youth and Family Services, Owen Sound - 3rd Ave W, Keystone Prevention Programs |
Free services to families needing extra support to help them have and raise healthy babies and preschoolers Programs include: Healthy Beginnings - Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program (CPNP) * education ... |
Bruce County ; Grey County |
Multiple Births Canada |
Provides support, education, research and advocacy locally, nationally and internationally to individuals, families and organizations that have a personal or professional interest in multiple birth is ... |
Canada |