Organization / Program Name(s) Description (Brief) Areas Served
Advocacy Centre for the Elderly Community legal clinic * representation in cases involving issues of particular importance to seniors, such as long term care, hospital discharge issues, elder abuse, government pensions, income maint ... Ontario
ARCH Disability Law Centre Community legal clinic Summary Advice and Referral -- confidential advice and information related to disability issues * telephone service * limited representation in test case litigation * representa ... Ontario
Canadian Environmental Law Association Community legal clinic * legal advice and assistance on environmental issues -- call for details * representation * reports * library * funded by Legal Aid Ontario ... Ontario
Chinese and Southeast Asian Legal Clinic, Toronto Community legal clinic * deals primarily with immigration, tenant issues, social assistance, employment rights, human rights, poverty law * most refugee cases referred to Legal Aid * may provide repre ... Ontario
HIV & AIDS Legal Clinic Ontario (HALCO) Community legal clinic * advice, representation, referrals, advocacy * areas of law include privacy, social assistance, immigration, housing/tenant, pensions, Employment Insurance (EI), private insura ... Ontario
IAVGO Community Legal Clinic Community legal clinic * legal advice * representation through all levels of Workplace Safety and Insurance Board * case consultation and training for other agencies * public legal education * communi ... Ontario
Justice for Children and Youth Community legal clinic * legal representation in many areas of law including education, criminal matters, child welfare, human rights, financial assistance or support and leaving home * legal informat ... Ontario
Workers Health and Safety Legal Clinic Community legal clinic * advice and representation * advocacy * research and consultation for individuals * community education * law reform * referrals to union organizers * outreach, particularly to ... Ontario