Organization / Program Name(s) Description (Brief) Areas Served
P4P Planning Network, P4P P4P connects relative, friend or caregiver of a person with a disability to a powerful network of professionals, organizations and agencies to assist with relationship building to school transitions, ... Canada
Paisley and Community Food Bank, Christmas Hamper and Gift Program Provides Christmas Hampers to residents in need, along with gifts for children 1-16 years old. Paisley
Paisley and Community Food Bank Emergency Food Bank for those in need, visits by appointment preferred. Paisley
Paisley Missionary Church Worship services Sun 10:30 am * Adult Bible Study * Children's Ministry (children ages JK - Grade 6) * AWANA club for children * Youth Ministry Location for food bank and Christmas hamper program - se ... Paisley
Paisley Pharmacy Pharmacy offering: * basic home health care supplies * home safety equipment, such as grab/bath bars, raised seats * mobility aids (canes, walkers) for sale * sports braces, splints and supports * ad ... Arran-Elderslie ; Brockton ; Saugeen Shores - some areas
ParaMed Home Health Care, Stratford * Professional home health care services * Commitment to personalized planning and care * Personal care * Home management * Respite and companion care ... Bruce County ; Grey County ; London ; Middlesex County ; Perth County
Participation Lodge Grey Bruce, Acquired Brain Injury Program Provides residential services for adults living with the effects of a brain injury. Focuses on progressing towards the greatest level of self-direction and responsibility possible for each individual. ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Participation Lodge Grey Bruce Provides 24 hour care and support to individuals with physical and/or developmental disabilities. Residents receive assistance with daily life skills, time and money management and a full range of co ... Bruce County ; Grey County
PBO Group, Barrie, Prosthetics, Bracing, Orthotics Make orthopedic appliances, artificial limbs and braces * offers regularly scheduled Orthotic and Prosthetic clinics in Barrie and Owen Sound * in addition to clinics, service is also offered, by appo ... Barrie ; Owen Sound
Pegasus Riding Association Nurturing Challenged Equestrians (PRANCE) Offers therapeutic horseback riding that promotes the rehabilitation and treatment of individuals with physical, developmental and emotional challenges. Instructors have obtained specialized training ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Peninsula Family Health Team, Lion's Head, Primary Care Medical Clinic Family Health Team focused on the provision of primary care . Team includes Physicians, Nurses, Nurse Practiioners and Social Worker. Services include: * diabetes education * diet and lifestyle educa ... Northern Bruce Peninsula
Peninsula Family Health Team, Tobermory, Primary Care Medical Clinic Family Health Team focused on the delivery of primary care in Northern Bruce Peninsula. Team includes Physicians, Nurses, Nurse Practitioners and Social Worker. Services include: * diabetes education ... Northern Bruce Peninsula
Peninsula Pharmacy Pharmacy offering: * canes for sale * limited sports braces, splints and supports * ostomy supplies can be ordered * flu shot by appointment * administer travel vaccinations by appointment with prescr ... Northern Bruce Peninsula ; Wiarton
Pentecostal Country Church (The) A Pentecostal church meeting for worship Sunday at 10:30am. Periodic meals and events offered by Church including an annual community carnival held on the Civic long weekend, see website for dates * a ... Lion's Head - and area
PFLAG Canada, Grey Bruce Chapter Confidential organization provides support to members of the LGBT community, their families and friends, around issues of sexual orientation and gender identity. Bruce County ; Grey County
PharmaChoice, Stewart's Pharmacy Pharmacy providing: * basic home health care supplies * mobility aids including canes,walkers and wheelchairs * sports braces, splints and supports * advanced wound care * ostomy supplies * compressi ... Mildmay - and area
Pharmasave - Sally's Pharmacy, Owen Sound Pharmacy offering: * basic home health care supplies * canes for sale i.e. canes * limited sports braces, splints and supports * ostomy supplies * support stockings * flu shot, by appointment * admin ... Grey County
Pine River Institute Live-in treatment centre and outdoor leadership experience for youth ages 13 to 19 years old struggling with mental health issues, specifically addictive behaviours. Offering: * a holistic treatment a ... Ontario ; Ontario
Pine River United Church Sunday Services are at 10:30 am Huron-Kinloss ; Kincardine ; Ripley
Plan International Canada Overseas sponsorship program providing material aid and services to developing nations children, their families and communities Youth opportunities -- youth 14-24 initiatives including speakers burea ... Canada
Port Elgin and District Lions Club Service club dedicated to supporting community needs and special projects. Offers free medical loan cupboard which may include assistive health devices such as: * commodes * rollators * canes and cru ... Saugeen Shores
Port Elgin Missionary Church COVID-19 Response Re-opening Sun Jul 5, 2020 10 am * At this time unable to provide Nursery Care and Children's Ministries * Nursery and Children's facilities remain locked for use on Sundays - no ac ... Saugeen Shores
Port Elgin Montessori Preschool Preschool offering various Montessori programs featuring the core curriculum areas of practical life, sensorial, language and culture within the classroom while incorporating weekly themes aimed to st ... Bruce County
Port Elgin Pharmasave Pharmacy Services include: * dosette box filling * custom compounding * sports braces, splints and supports * diabetic supplies * compression stockings * home safety equipment, such as grab/bath bars, ... Owen Sound ; Paisley ; Port Elgin ; Southampton ; Tiverton
Port Elgin United Church, Coat Drive Coat drive for those in need. Donations of gently used coats and winter accessories accepted. Items needed: * Adult and kids coats * Hats * Gloves * Scarves * Boots ... Port Elgin
Port Elgin United Church Offers weekly worship service. Church also offers: * weekly Bible study * Hug-A-Bear program - provides bears to less fortunate and sick children throughout the shoreline area * United Church women's ... Saugeen Shores
Pregnancy and Infant Loss (PAIL) Network Programs and services available throughout Ontario Peer-led support programs delivered in a variety of ways * mixed group peer-led support * loss specific online peer-led group support * one-to-one t ... Durham Region ; Ontario ; Toronto ; York County
Presbyterian Reformed Church of Chesley, Presbyterian Reformed Church Presbyterian Reformed Church meets for worship Bruce County ; Grey County
Prisoners HIV / AIDS Support Action Network, Toronto, Prisoners HIV/AIDS Support Action Network Community-based prisoner health and harm reduction organization that provides support, education and advocacy to prisoners and ex-prisoners * system advocacy * counselling in person or by telephone (c ... Ontario
Prosper Canada, Financial Empowerment Assistance in developing programs which focus on financial literacy and coaching, helping people with low income to file taxes and access government benefits, improving access for low income people t ... Canada ; Durham Region ; Halton Region ; Ontario ; Peel Region ; Toronto ; York County
Public Services Health and Safety Association Works with Ontario public service sector employers and workers to * reduce workplace risks * prevent occupational injuries and illness * provide prevention and safety advice, information and training ... Ontario