Organization / Program Name(s) Description (Brief) Areas Served
A Trusted Senior Support Service, In-Home Support - Stephanie DiCeglie Offering in-home support services including: * advocacy and coordination of medical and social services * companionship * respite care * home/property maintenance/yard work * driving/transportation to ... Blue Mountains ; Clearview (Simcoe County) ; Collingwood ; Wasaga Beach
AboutFace Provides emotional, peer and social support, resources, educational programs and public awareness for and on behalf of individuals with facial differences and their families Canada
Academy of Learning Career College, Owen Sound Offers training for a new career, skills upgrading, educational evaluation and assessment, career counselling and industry certification. Owen Sound
Ace Transportation Group, Collingwood, Transportation Services Offers shuttle services including: * Airport Service: Pick-up at your door and drop off. * Charter Bus and Shuttle Service: * 4 Mini-Coach Buses (capacity between 20-24 passengers) for group charters ... Blue Mountains ; Clearview (Simcoe County) ; Collingwood ; Wasaga Beach
Acorn Montessori School A three-year Montessori Casa program for children 2.5 to 6 years. * morning or full-day program * before and after care as required Blue Mountains
Active Lifestyles Centre Grey Bruce Volunteer-based resource centre provides a one-stop source of information about community programs, services and special events. Programs and services include: * computer training * exercise and danc ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Ad Standards, Toronto Receives complaints about paid advertising in all media, administers the Canadian Code of Advertising Standards Canada
Adoption Council of Ontario Adoption resource centre * workshops and seminars for prospective adoptive parents, and child welfare and mental health professionals * Youth Network includes youth-led education, advocacy, and peer ... Ontario
Adult Learning Centres Grey-Bruce-Georgian, Owen Sound Confidential services to help adults achieve the math, writing and reading skills required for employment and to fully participate in the community. There are Adult Learning Centres in Wiarton, Walke ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Adult Learning Centres Grey-Bruce-Georgian, Owen Sound, Literacy and Basic Skills Literacy and basic skills training including numeracy, digital, communication and interpersonal skills * helps learners prepare for employment, apprenticeship, secondary-school credit, post-secondary ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Adult Learning Centres Grey-Bruce-Georgian, Saugeen Shores, Literacy and Basic Skills Literacy and basic skills training including numeracy, digital, communication and interpersonal skills * helps learners prepare for employment, apprenticeship, secondary-school credit, post-secondary ... Bruce County
Adult Learning Centres Grey-Bruce-Georgian, Walkerton and Area, Literacy and Basic Skills Literacy and basic skills training including numeracy, digital, communication and interpersonal skills * helps learners prepare for employment, apprenticeship, secondary-school credit, post-secondary ... Bruce County
Adult Learning Centres Grey-Bruce-Georgian, Wiarton, Literacy and Basic Skills Literacy and basic skills training including numeracy, digital, communication and interpersonal skills * helps learners prepare for employment, apprenticeship, secondary-school credit, post-secondary ... Bruce County
Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario Specialty legal clinic * works to better the housing situation of low income Ontario residents including tenants, housing cooperative members and homeless people * no direct legal services for indivi ... Ontario
Advocacy Centre for the Elderly Community legal clinic * representation in cases involving issues of particular importance to seniors, such as long term care, hospital discharge issues, elder abuse, government pensions, income maint ... Ontario
Agriculture Wellness Ontario, No physical address, In the Know Provides a four-hour mental health literacy workshop created specifically to educate the agricultural community. Ontario
Al-Anon and Alateen Family Groups, Bruce County - No Physical Address, District 3 Bruce County Al-Anon: anonymous fellowship and support group for relatives and friends of alcoholics who meet anonymously to share their experience, strength and hope in order to solve their common problems coping ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Al-Anon and Alateen Family Groups, Georgian Bay - No Physical Address, District 2 Georgian Bay An anonymous fellowship and support group of relatives and friends of alcoholics who meet anonymously to share their experience, strength and hope in order to solve their common problems coping with ... Blue Mountains ; Collingwood ; Meaford ; Owen Sound
Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario Provincial regulatory body * regulates the sale, service and consumption of beverage alcohol * regulates and licenses casino gaming, charitable gaming, lotteries and horse racing * addresses complain ... Ontario
Alcoholics Anonymous, Western Georgian Bay District 9 12-step program aims to carry a message of recovery to alcoholics seeking help to maintain sobriety. Offers a program of recovery from alcohol through total abstinence, one day at a time. Provides a f ... Bruce County ; Collingwood ; Grey County
Alert Ready - Emergency Alert System A system that delivers critical and potentially life-saving alerts to Canadians through television and radio. Alerts will include events such as: * tornadoes or other natural disasters * train derailm ... Ontario
Allan Kent Lawncare, Mailing address Provides lawn care services including grass cutting and trimming and de-thatching. Bush hog mower for larger properties. Also offers snow blowing. ... Grey Highlands
Alz Well That Enz Well, Inc., Alz Well That Enz Well Offers specialized, trauma-informed tutoring services through Building Foundations Tutoring. Haliburton County ; Kawartha Lakes ; Northumberland County ; Peterborough (County of) ; Durham (Town of)
Alzheimer Society of Grey-Bruce Provides support, public and professional education, and promotes research to find a cause and cure for Alzheimer disease. Services include: * Resource library * Early stage support group * Speaker p ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Alzheimer Society of Grey-Bruce, First Link Program Direct referral and early intervention program for individuals living with Alzheimer disease and related dementias. Provides easy access to comprehensive and coordinated services by reaching out to pe ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Amabel-Sauble Child Care Centre Fully accredited child care centre for children ages 12 months-12 years. Offers a summer day camp program for school age children. Before and after school program available. Sauble Beach
Angels of Flight Canada Offers specialized patient transportation services by air ambulance. Office is located in a one storey building. Services include * Medical Flight Case Management - assisting ill or injured globally ... Canada
Annesley United Church Meets Sunday for worship service at 10 am Markdale
ARCH Disability Law Centre Community legal clinic Summary Advice and Referral -- confidential advice and information related to disability issues * telephone service * limited representation in test case litigation * representa ... Ontario
Arran-Elderslie Fire and Emergency Services, Chesley Fire Station # 90 Fire and emergency services for Arran-Elderslie with stations in Chesley, Paisley and Tara. Arran-Elderslie
Arran-Elderslie Fire and Emergency Services, Paisley Fire Station # 80 Fire and emergency services for Arran-Elderslie with stations in Chesley, Paisley and Tara. Arran-Elderslie ; Brockton ; Kincardine ; Saugeen Shores
Arran-Elderslie Fire and Emergency Services, Tara Fire Station # 70 Fire and emergency services for Arran-Elderslie with stations in Chesley, Paisley and Tara. Arran-Elderslie
Arran-Elderslie. Municipal Office Municipal government for the former Townships of Arran and Elderslie, Villages of Tara/Paisley and Town of Chesley. Administers services and facilities such as: * Clerk's Office * Emergency Services ... Arran-Elderslie
Arran-Elderslie. Municipal Office, Various locations, Rest Stations for Extreme Weather Relief When Environment Canada issues an extreme heat or cold alert, rest areas are available to residents for relief from extreme weather conditions. These can include public buildings such as libraries or ... Arran-Elderslie
Arthritis Society Canada Funds and promotes arthritis education, research-based solutions and community-based support Education, programs and support to people living with arthritis: Arthritis Rehabilitation and Education Pro ... Ontario
Arthritis Society Canada, Owen Sound - Grey and Bruce Region, Arthritis Society Canada - Grey and Bruce Region Education, programs and support to people living with arthritis Arthritis Rehabilitation and Education Program: Community-based rehabilitation program. Physiotherapists, occupational therapists and so ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Assaulted Women's Helpline Free, anonymous and confidential 24-hour telephone and TTY crisis line for women in Ontario who have experienced any form of abuse  
Association of Ontario Doulas, No Physical Address Provide emotional and physical support for women and their families during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum * Maintain a listing of Doulas in communities across Ontario * Members of Association o ... Ontario
Association of Parent Support Groups in Ontario Organization of parents, with disruptive and difficult teens and youth, who have joined together to provide support and empower parents to deal with their situation * provides weekly meetings, worksh ... Greater Toronto Area ; Simcoe County ; York Region ; and all of Ontario
AURA, Toronto Provides support and expertise to groups involved in refugee sponsorship and resettlement * refugee sponsorship training, toolkit and online resource centre * spreads public awareness of refugee need ... Ontario ; Greater Toronto area and surrounding areas
Aura Freedom International Organization working to end violence against women and human trafficking through advocacy and education * access to referrals, resources, support, and safety planning information for survivors of gen ... Ontario
Autism Ontario [Central East], Autism Ontario Central East Supports families of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism Ontario OAP Service Navigation Program: * help families understand and apply for OAP childhood budget * prioritize and set goals * ... Bruce County ; Grey County
Automobile Protection Association Consumer information and advocacy regarding automotive industry * free legal advice to members, nonmembers receive basic information * publishes Lemon Aid, guide to new and used car recommendations, ... Canada